One of the first questions that is asked during a new patient appointment is, ” How many treatments until my condition or symptoms are gone?” The answer to that question is as complex as the conditions and pain themselves. Chronic conditions like congenital disorders, long term pain, internal organ dysfunction, and hormonal imbalance have a much more comprehensive and long term approach. Within these conditions there are several minor symptoms. Those more minor symptoms start to resolve with regular treatments and the patient starts to feel motivated to make significant diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. When this happens, the big picture can change. They have become empowered to take responsibility for their health and eventually a weekly treatment plan can spread out to every month and even longer.

Comparitively, an acute condition like seasonal allergies, tendinomuscular and joint acute pain, and pathogenic immune response will respond and resolve much more quickly. Treatments with acute conditions are typically two or even three times a week for the first several weeks. A common occurance is a patient will come in and the reason for their initial visit resolves and then they continue treatments for the root cause of the pain or immune response. The treatments can start to get less per week and also space out to every few weeks.
In general, each case is on its own timeline and these recommendations are general guidelines. The severity of the disorder, the duration of the disorder, and the overall health and wellness of the patient are key factors in the treatment plan. A complete cure may never be achieved. Improved quality of life and minimizing pharmaceutical and surgical procedures by using Chinese Medicine are a great benefit for the patient.
It is also important to discuss that Chinese Medicine is not limited to acupuncture. It is a comprehensive system that includes acupuncture, manual therapy, Chinese herbal medicine , nutrition supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments. Often times conditions can be managed long term with ongoing herbal and supplement therapies as well as treatment check ins after the intial pain/disorder has resolved. Treatment plans can also change if there are new developements that arise. Clear communication with your practitioner about realistic expectations and treatment goals is vital to a balanced patient/practitioner relationship. If you ever feel unclear or confused by the methodology , a practitioner will glady do their best to explain or really translate chinese energy diagnosis to a western understanding of health and healing. Using Chinese Medicince for allopathic and acute flareups does not address the patient’s root cause for the disorder. A comprehensive preventive treatment plan can address the patient’s body constitutional weakness or excesses that are the root cause.
If you have questions if Chinese Medicine can benefit you please contact our office for more information. If you were on a roll with your treatments and slowly got off track, remember how much benefit you received from the treatments and come back in and we will pick up where we left off.
Great guidance. I was told by my first practitioner in Asheville that the problem that I was having was a long time in formation and would take a number of months to resolve. I am so grateful to Meghan and the wonderful staff at Palmetto Acupuncture for their care!!!!