New Patients: What to Expect

Initial Acupuncture Treatment:

We’ll perform a thorough evaluation during your first appointment. We pinpoint the reasons for
your particular disease using Chinese Medicine principles. We examine your entire body to
determine the underlying cause of your illness. Once a diagnosis has been made, we will start a
protocol (or treatment plan) tailored to your individual needs, which may include acupuncture,
herbal medicine, nutrition, behavior, or lifestyle adjustments.


Things to note before coming in:

● Most patients who receive acupuncture experience significant relaxation and doze off
throughout the procedure. A broad sense of well-being is frequently felt thereafter.

● A typical follow-up appointment lasts about 1 hour and includes time to talk about
your progress as well as receive an acupuncture treatment.

● The rate at which a person and their medical condition responds to treatment varies.
Chronic diseases might frequently require more time to treat than acute conditions,
which are typically managed in 6–12 sessions. After the initial appointment, we will
provide you an estimate based on your health concern. This can range from once or
twice a week, once a month, once every three months, etc.

● Be sure to eat a small meal before coming in for treatment. Additionally, abstain from
caffeine, narcotics, and alcohol for at least a few hours prior to and following your

● When you brush your teeth, please do not brush your tongue. The color and texture of
the tongue coating are important diagnostic clues in Chinese Medicine. Please avoid
brushing your tongue for 24 hours before a visit. (Please do brush your teeth :))


In the hours after Treatment:

…your body is still going through a physiological re balancing process. To maximize the
treatment effect, drink plenty of water to assist in your healing.

If you catch a cold or flu, please stop your herbs and supplements. Call us with your
symptoms so that we can prescribe an herbal formula that will specifically treat your
external pathogen. (we have very effective remedies and can help avoid the use of
antibiotics and dramatically reduce the duration of your cold). If you continue to take
herbs while you’re sick, they have the potential to make your cold or flu worse.

Online Booking: We have a user-friendly online scheduling system that enables you to make,
change, and cancel appointments. Simply go to our website and click on the “Book
Appointment” button at the end of the home page or visit This will take you to our
scheduling database. If you have already created an account with Jane, all you will need to do is
input your email address and password. If you do not have an account, click the “Register”
button and follow directions from there to create your account.
You can also change or cancel existing appointments here.

Please call the office with any questions or concerns you have before your first appointment!


Does it hurt?

Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel no pain or very little pain
when they are inserted!
Keep reading to learn more about our needles and what sensations
to expect during your treatment.


Is acupuncture painful, what does acupuncture feel like, How does acupuncture feel, does it hurt to get acupuncture, how big are acupuncture needles, are acupuncture needles big, are acupuncture needles small, will it hurt to see an acupuncturist, acupuncture near me





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